How To Even Out Your Complexion

Does your skin struggle through the warmer months? Discover helpful skincare tips for radiant summer skin.

How To Even Out Your Complexion

How To Even Out Your Complexion

19 November 2019
, Blog

Uneven skin tone can make you look older and less radiant. Hyperpigmentation is an excess of melanin concentrated in certain areas of your skin. It can be caused by acne scarring, sun exposure, or genetics. Instead of covering your hyperpigmentation using makeup, you can fade it using the right treatments and products. Here are four things you can do to get a more even, beautiful complexion:

1. Stop tanning

If you have an uneven complexion, tanning may seem like the perfect solution. After all, it makes sense that a tan would cover dark marks on your skin. However, tanning can actually make your hyperpigmentation worse. If you regularly go tanning, you should stop immediately. Instead, you can fake a healthy glow using self-tanning solutions and bronzers. These products will give you a darker skin tone without causing any skin damage or worsening your hyperpigmentation.

2. Use sunscreen

You probably put on sunscreen when you go to the beach or spend the day at the park since you know how important it is to protect your skin from sunburns. However, if you want to keep your hyperpigmentation from darkening and help it fade, you should start using sunscreen on a daily basis. Sunscreen prevents UV rays from stimulating the melanin production in your skin, which can reduce the severity of your hyperpigmentation.

3. Use vitamin C serums

Vitamin C can brighten your skin. It can reduce the appearance of acne scars and fade hyperpigmentation. If you want a clearer complexion, start by applying vitamin C serum at least once a day. It's best to put this serum on your skin in the morning since vitamin C can help offer your skin additional protection from the sun's rays. Vitamin C may cause a little irritation initially, as your skin adjusts. If you experience any flaking or peeling skin, just know that's a normal side effect. Exfoliation can help get rid of flaky skin.

4. Take advantage of skin toning treatments

Skin toning treatments can help you fade unwanted dark spots on your skin. If you need more dramatic results than over-the-counter treatments can offer, consider taking advantage of pigmentation removal treatments. Using laser technology, trained professionals can remove pigmentation from targeted areas on your skin. This can help you get rid of stubborn acne scars, dark patches of skin, and even freckles. Pigmentation removal accomplished through skin toning treatments is safe, effective, and permanent.

About Me
Summer, Skincare Tips

I absolutely adore summer. During this beautiful, warm time of the year, I enjoy hosting barbecues at my home, going on vacations with my husband, and churning homemade ice cream. Unfortunately, the summer sun isn’t always kind to my skin. So, when the weather heats up outside, I start following a few skincare tips. Whenever I know I will be outside for an extended period of time, I rub lots of sunscreen on any exposed skin. I also cleanse my face more often during the summer. On this blog, I hope you will discover helpful tips for keeping your skin radiant all summer long. Enjoy!
