3 Tips for Getting the Best Results from Your Hair Transplant

Does your skin struggle through the warmer months? Discover helpful skincare tips for radiant summer skin.

3 Tips for Getting the Best Results from Your Hair Transplant

3 Tips for Getting the Best Results from Your Hair Transplant

30 April 2020
, Blog

Hair thinning is a problem that affects people primarily based on their genes, although stress and lifestyle may also be contributing factors. It can be an embarrassing problem, but seeking help is the first step in restoring the full head of hair that you're longing for. Hair transplant specialists can help their patients regain their hair. If you decide to undergo treatment, here are some tips that will help you get the results that you seek:

1. Don't worry about the pain.

Some people are hesitant to undergo invasive methods of hair regrowth because they're worried about pain. Hair transplantation is an invasive technique, but modern medicine has advanced to the point where you need not feel pain. Before the surgery begins, a local anesthetic will be injected into your scalp. The anesthetic is given time to work before your procedure begins. During the transplant itself, you may feel a sensation of tugging or pressure, but it shouldn't hurt. Once the medication wears off, you may feel some soreness, but most patients find their postoperative soreness is very manageable.

2. Choose a multi-therapeutic hair transplant.

Hair transplants allow doctors to take healthy hair follicles from the back of your hairline, which can then be implanted in areas where you're experiencing hair loss. Hair transplantation is the most effective way to restore hair to areas that have experienced complete baldness. However, it is not a suitable way to treat areas where the hair is merely thinning.

You will receive better results if you're willing to utilize multiple hair replacement techniques. Plasma rich platelet therapy is a procedure that is proven to thicken hair and encourage regrowth. It utilizes plasma drawn from your blood, and it can deliver excellent results when used in conjunction with hair transplants. Discuss multi-therapeutic hair transplant services with your doctor. They can come up with a treatment plan based on your hair regrowth needs.

3. Be careful with your hair transplants.

Over time, your hair transplants will heal and become indistinguishable from the rest of your scalp. Initially, they will be somewhat delicate. Your doctor will let you know when it's safe to wash and handle your hair after your transplant. In most cases, patients are encouraged to gently wash their hair after a few days have passed. However, it can take up to two weeks for hair transplants to become completely secure. Until then, be careful with your hair transplants to avoid dislodging them.

About Me
Summer, Skincare Tips

I absolutely adore summer. During this beautiful, warm time of the year, I enjoy hosting barbecues at my home, going on vacations with my husband, and churning homemade ice cream. Unfortunately, the summer sun isn’t always kind to my skin. So, when the weather heats up outside, I start following a few skincare tips. Whenever I know I will be outside for an extended period of time, I rub lots of sunscreen on any exposed skin. I also cleanse my face more often during the summer. On this blog, I hope you will discover helpful tips for keeping your skin radiant all summer long. Enjoy!
